Literacy Programs
Mission Statement
The basic mission of our literacy programs is to accelerate students’ mastery of core academic subjects—specifically reading, language arts, and mathematics, and to prepare adults for taking the GED test .
Our literacy programs consist of four consecutive sessions held on Saturdays. Each session offers educational opportunities for the enrichment and encouragement of children ages 6 to 17, and adults 18 and older who wish to prepare for their high school GED (General Education Diploma).
Curricula is structured to offer each participant educational opportunities emphasizing leadership, scholarship and cultural awareness. Partnerships have been formed with the Oakland Unified School District and local public libraries to ensure that the instruction offered by our literacy programs
are in line with student needs.
Free: Open to children and adult learners.
Ages 6 – 12:
8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Assembly/motivational period
9:00 – 10:15 a.m. Tutoring in reading/language arts
10:15 – 11:00 a.m. Tutoring in mathematics
The last day of the 4-week session is devoted to Math and Science Career Academy’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Literacy Program. The curriculum and guidelines for this segment of our children literacy program is provided by STEM Link, a national nonprofit focused on providing opportunities for students to engage in hands-on STEM activities, explore STEM careers and learn about real-world applications of STEM.
Adult learners:
1 – 1:15 p.m. Assembly/motivational period
1:15 – 3 p.m. Tutoring in reading literacy, mathematics, science and social studies
Staff: Literacy Programs
Teachers/tutors are certified high school, middle school, elementary educators, supplemented by assistants from a variety of background
Literacy Programs
The basic mission of our literacy tutoring programs are to accelerate students’ mastery of core academic subjects, specifically reading, language arts, and mathematics and to prepare adults for the GED test.